Sunday, February 20, 2005

Richard's Pictures at CPI Training Center

Mark goes up the Mekong, landmine victims become survivors, Dr. Greenwald tries on a dress, Emily learns about engine repair, and Ella visits a landmine survivor's business.

Click the "more" button to view.

Mark Hyman on the Mekong River

Electronics survivor students at CPI-CVCD Training Center

Moto repair students

Sewing students

Dr. Greenwald & sewing student in student projects, Mr. Kim, director, looks on.jpg

Student with TV wiring lesson

Emily at the mechanics school

Ella Spitz & graduate of CPI-CVCD mechanics program at his shop in rural (really rural) Kampong Cham


  1. What an extraordinary experience you are providing for the kids from Tenafly! I've been travelling to Cambodia since 2000 and I know first hand what a life altering experience it is to encounter the beauty and the tragedy of this wonderful country and its people. I am enjoying the stories and pictures on the website and seeing the familiar faces of Arn and Arun and Sarath. Safe and happy travels!

  2. The more I read the more passionate I become about your cause. Your blog is bound to shorten the distance between Southeast Asia and the western world. I applaud all of you who are bridging that gap!
    Most of all I want to thank my son and daughter-in-law for their dedication and efforts in making life worth living for thousands. Though not everyone who needs help will get it, hope in Vietnam and Cambodia is provided by everyone affilliated with CPI.
    I would also like to thank my wife, Terri Hathaway, for joining Jamie and Martha at CPI. What a team of great humanitarians!
    I eagerly look forward to your return.

  3. Thanks for your support, dad... none of this would be happening without your help. take care of NYC while we are gone ;)

  4. Happy 13th Birthday, Emily. Love, Grandma and Grandpa. Hi to Benjamin and Richard.
