Listed below are the group partipants in the Johnson State College trip to Vietnam with the Break Away program.
Tess Gauthier
My name is Tess Gauthier, and I am 20 years old. This is my first year at Johnson State College. I've been involevd with service for the last couple of years. Last year, I worked for AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC). I was on a team with 9 others, and we traveled through the country doing various service projects. I'm looking forward to Vietnam and being a part of the Vietnamese culture.
Celine Riendeau
My name is Celine Riendeau. I'm a 20 year old from Orleans, Vermont, and a sophomore at JSC. I participated on a Break Away trip to teh Creative Community for Non-Violence (CCNV) my freshman year, which led me to working for a year with NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps) last year. I currently work at Clarina Howard Nichols Center, a shelter for women and their children fleeing domestic and/or sexual abuse.
Trista Reigert
Well, my name is Trista Reigert and I've been a Vermont rooted flower child all my life. Born in the town of Essex, where I lived until I was seven, when I moved with my mother to the small country town of South Strafford in Southern Vermont. Strafford has such a small population that there were only 18 kids in my class when I graduated 8th grade. Since the town was far too remote to have a high school of it's own, I attended high school in Hanover, NH, where I participated in a variety of activities from ice hockey to Amnesty International. Currently, I am an undecided freshman at Johnson State College; one of those kids who listens to indi-rock and buys organic. My personal ambitions vary vastly from music to creative literature, but as for a career path, I feel inclined to puruse psychology and political science.
Angela Twerdok
I am a native of Pennslyvania and now in my fourth year studying at JSC. I am studying anthropology and sociology, as well as pursuing certification in Nonprofit Managment. I have contributed on the statewide and national level at conferences in various roles, furthering the concept of active citizenship. I also hope to enter the world of nonprofits and NGO's upon graduation. This is my second time to Vietnam and I am very interested and excited about furthering relations that were established with the Vietnamese, as well as Clear Path International from last summer.
Galen Dickstein
I have been a students at JSC for over two years now. I have been student teaching this semester and hope to graduate in December 2005 with my degree in Elementary Education. I have been highly involved in the SERVE Office since setting my food on campus, and I am really excited to have the chance to travel to Vietnam with a wonderful group from Vermont. I love to travel and see new places, as well as learn about cultures that are different from my own. I am thrilled to be part of this group and have the opportunity to learn more about landmine issues in Southeast Asia. I hope to take what I learn from my experience and be an ambassador for this issue, which affects so many lives. I think that one's voice can be their most important weapon if it is used in the right way.
Laura Meyerson
My name is Laura Meyerson. I am 23 years old and from Burlington, Vermont. I just graduated from JSC as a psychology major. I feel honored to be participating inthe Break Away trip to Vietnam, and for the opportunity to work with Clear Path International. Most especially, I look forward to meeting and learning from the people of Vietnam.
Chris Anderson
I am a sophomore at JSC. I am a guitarist, a singer, and also very interested in the healing aspects of music. I am an Alternative Medicine major, with a focus in preclinical: Naturopathy. I am entering the program at Johnson State for the Nonprofit Management Certification. I transferred to JSC from East Stroudsburg University of Pennslyvania in hopes of seeking new horizons in my life.
I was born on Nov. 29, 1984 in Stroudsburg, Pennslyvania, where I lived my first 19 years. In the last couple of years I have been becoming moer and more in tune with my surroundings and the people therein. Along with this deeper connection, I have come to feel more and more the pains of others. I have deep concern for the welfare of all of the world's citizens, especially those bombarded by the unforseen and uncontrolled. I got to Vietnam in hopes to better understand these problems and to aid those effected by them, and in hopes that my actions can lead others to the same path. Someone once told me that nothing changes if nothing changes. Simple, yet true. For this change, everyone needs to rise up, grab hands, and leade each other towards a brighter day.
I'd like to write a radio story on this trip. How can I talk to the organizer and some of the participants?