Posted by Michaelangelo
today we took a tuk tuk ride to the ankor wat. this is one of the 7 wonders of the world. it is a hindu temple. this temple was amazing. on almost every square inch of the walls were covered in disigns that were carved into the sandstone.
in front of the temples there was what looked like a river but actualy was a man made moat. this moat was 3.3 miles long and 7 meters deep when they built it.
the temple was so big. it was constructed by the slaves of the king. it seemed almost impossible that such a structure could have been built with out macinary. all of the walls had carvings of godesses all with different head dresses and hair. it was amazing to climb up the steep thin stairs. it was also amazingly hard. it was cool because it wasnt like in america with all the restrictions on national parks and stuff. you could go where ever you wanted unless it was falling down. people were swimming in the moat.
me and my dad were walking on the ledge of the temple and looking around. it was like nothing i had ever seen before. it was almost undiscribeable.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you got to see these wonderful temples, and at such a young age. I had to wait until I was much older. The fact that you and your Dad are having so much fun and learning about all of this together makes me so happy for the two of you. So few people get to share these expereinces together as father and son and you two will always have this.
Dr. Greenwald
Michael and Michaelangelo,
ReplyDeleteSomethings are universal. A beer, a cigar and good conversation. We never know where tomorrow will bring us and who will touch our lives. A simple thing like conversation can make someone so happy and at what cost to us? Nothing. As Dr Greenwald stated above the experience you are having together will last a life time. You are seeing amazing things Michaelangelo. Keep writing in your Journal so we can share them. To let you know what is happening here, it snowed about 6 inches. The boys are missing their ski buddies alot. We will have to do it next year.
I'll write again soon. We miss you guys.
Love The Borghi Bunch
Hi Michael and Michaelangelo.How is it in Cambodia? I'm glad to see that you are okay.You and your Dad are very brave to travel half way across the world to do something you beleve in. Well be safe and I will see you when you get home all the best love
ReplyDeleteUncle Dean & Aunt Loretta and Loretta Marie & Dino
Dear Michael and Michaelangelo,
ReplyDeleteWhat an interesting place the Wat. With every place you go there are many exciting things you will see and many sad. You must remember that this will be a lifelong experience and not many people are able to experience what you and your Dad are. Keep your journal updated and maybe one day you will be able to write a book about your journey to Cambodia. I cant'wait until you come home. Stay safe and healthy.
Love always
Aunt Laura, Uncle Tony, Jonathan and Gabriella