Friday, February 18, 2005

Meeting the beneficiaries

Richard Gallagher
We met the survivors and family members who have been helped by the students from Tenafly. All of the parents, extended family, friends, and teachers of these children should be in awe of them. They are gloriously humble people who meet the Cambodian people that they have helped with respect, grace, and amazing kindness. Under the incomparable leadership of Mark Hyman, they have attained an amazing level of humanitarian care. It is clear that this experience is going to make them compassionate leaders for the next generation. Our town does not know how fortunate it is to have Mr. Hyman in our midst. He makes us a better community, not just in our boundaries, but halfway across the world. We should all be proud to have even the remotest connection with this effort.

I hope the pictures help the contributors understand what an amazing effort they have made possible.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Richard: These "blogs" are such interesting reading - what an experience you are all having! Have you been able to do any running??
    Love to you & the kids.
