This posting is by Clear Path volunteer Sandy Schubach who recently visited our staff and programs in Vietnam.
The Clear Path team in Dong Ha, Quang Tri Province, Vietnam, is truly inspirational. It has been so heartwarming to see them in action, both in the office and at the homes of the beneficiaries. Chi, Duc, Nhi, Phuong, and Tam are compassionate, attentive, and very respectful. I was happy to learn that Clear Path is well-known here in Quang Tri, and 95% of the time they respond to an accident within 24 hours, even on weekends. It was also nice to see the Clear Path logo on display in restaurants and museums. The locals know they can count on CPI to help them if needed for victim assistance.
Besides providing direct assistance to UXO (unexploded ordnance) victims in the form of reimbursement for medical costs, CPI also helps them in other areas. An accident can leave a family without a breadwinner, a devastating loss. Only children living below the poverty level here (about $2800 annual income per family) are allowed to go to school for free, so Clear Path helps with scholarships for those children that need them. Grants can also be made to help a family get back on their feet after an accident. The economic impact of a UXO accident is dramatic. Besides medical expenses, the time spent in the hospital is time away from farming or working. If a child is in the hospital, a parent is usually with them as well, or the transportation costs to get continued medical care are steep.
Some people request a grant to use the money to purchase chickens, piglets, cows, or other farm animals which can generate income and provide a food source. Clear Path takes care to learn the specific needs of accident victims.
The staff here has also started a program to get accident victims in touch with each other to provide caring and support. A recent victim can get inspiration and affirmation from one who has overcome his disability. Groups are taken on field trips, a very special event here. They also participate in the Vietnamese version of special olympics, a wonderful program.
It's sad to think that more than 40 years after the war accidents still happen from UXOs, ruining lives and families. CPI Vietnam provides stellar services in victim assistance here, and I salute them.
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