Cresa at far right with children at Mrs. Nana's FarmBy Cresa Pugh, CPI Southeast Asia Resident Manager
Recently, I traveled with Mr. Murakami of the Karen Department of Health and Welfare (KDHW), south of Mae Sot, Thailand, to a small, rural village just outside of Umphang along the Thai-Burma border. This is the location of the home and farmland of Mrs. Nana, a woman from Karen State in Burma who has long been critical to the Karen struggle for freedom, independence and basic human rights. Mrs. Nana is originally from a Karen village just across the border within short walking distance from her current location, but the situation between the two areas could not be more disparate.
HistorySeveral years ago Mrs. Nana operated a clinic in the Karen village that provided basic healthcare to the entire surrounding community. Perceived as a threat to the stability of their regime, and seeking to undermine the capacity of local leaders, the SPDC, Burma's military regime, burned her clinic to the ground. Since then, the government has allowed her to rebuild her operation, but only after she agreed to certain concessions, including a realignment of her political alliances. In the meantime, the government continued to plant landmines in the surrounding areas and insurgents, in defense, did as well.
The result is a dangerous, unstable warzone where parents are afraid to let their children leave their homes, thus disabling them from receiving a proper education and access to other community based necessities. Additionally, countless members of the community have suffered landmine casualties and are now unable to not only receive adequate medical treatment and support, but unable to work in such a way that they are able to support themselves and their families.
During his visits to the region conducting mine risk education workshops, Mr. Murakami identified the need for these survivors to have opportunities to break their cycle of poverty, to stop borrowing money from local lenders at interest rates of up to 100 percent, and to begin making their way toward economic stability and self-sufficiency.
The ProjectMrs. Nana identified 10 landmine survivors and amputees who would participate in a farming initiative that would provide them with comprehensive training in construction, animal husbandry and harvesting, and ultimately provide them with opportunities to launch their own income-generating projects. Specifically, the group, under the instruction of Mr. Murakami, will build and operate a fish pond, raise pigs and chickens, and grow mushrooms.
The project will provide food for the local community as well as the opportunity to sell the products in local markets and make additional money that will provide revenue for the farmers and ultimately can be reinvested into the project to purchase more capital. There is also a well on the farm that will be enhanced to provide access to clean water for some in the surrounding village.
Currently Mrs. Nana has 36 children, a number which fluctuates daily - ages 4 to 14 - living in her home whose parents feel the situation in Karen state is too unstable for them to endure. The children are all receiving a formal education at a local migrant school in her Thai village, but sadly, Thai authorities are planning to close most of the migrant schools along the border. Mrs. Nana plans to open her own migrant school on her farm in the coming months; 29 more children from the Karen village will join her once that happens.
ReflectionWith the imminent repatriation of hundreds of thousands of migrants from Burma - mainly Karen - at the hand of the Thai government, the situation along this area of the border is unlikely to change anytime soon. It's easy to feel helpless, hopeless, angry, frustrated, defrauded, sad and the whole host of emotions that accompany senseless conflict, but all is not lost. As long as there are militaries and counterinsurgents and generals and juntas, there will also always be people like Mrs. Nana and countless other individuals who counter the terror and violence, the landmines and rape, with healthcare, education, food, shelter, and love.
I am humbled by the privilege to engage in her efforts, and by the opportunity to work with an organization, Clear Path International, that recognizes the importance of this struggle. CPI provides support for the farming initiative itself, Mr. Murakami's mine risk education train-the-trainer and direct training workshops, and to cover the logistics of Mrs. Nana transporting victims from Karen state to a Thai hospital when a landmine accident occurs.
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