He has also sent in a report which can be found at the link below.
Full Name: Tran Thi Tuyet
Beneficiary ID: 3000
Birth Date/Year: 1981
Occupation: Farmer
Province/ID: Quang Tri
District/ID: Gio Linh
Commune/ID: Gio Son
Village/ID: Nam Dong
Household ID:
Poverty Card: Yes
Number of Family Members: 3
Number of School Age Children: 2
Incident Date: May 1st, 2005
Incident ID:
Number Injured: 0
Number Killed: 1
Response Date: May 13, 2005
Response Type: EOS
Responding Staff: Duc-Chi
Project ID:
Service to Date: F.B.G
Service to Date Cost: VND 1,5 mil
Written By: Tran Hong Chi
The wedding was held in 2000, marking a turning point in their family life. The young couple decided to go south to try their luck. Their destination was 1,000 kilometers away from home, in Bu Dang district, Binh Phuoc province. They settled here for the next two years, sold their labor to some farm works. In 2002 the couple decided to return home after the wife miscarriage their first child.
After three years struggling in their homeland, difficulties seem started to fade out. The couple possessed a small property in Nam Dong village. A small, brand new house was just about to complete with supports from the commune�s compassion fund together with villagers� contributions. Their son is turning 2 years old while the daughter is seven months of age. Last but not least, they have just found an abandoned area that they can come reclaim more land for they have had only one Sao (500 sqm) of land to grow rice and the outcomes have been way too low for the family's needs.
It was May 1st, 2005, and they got to the "field" at eight, after dropping off their children at the kindergarten. Their work place is about 3 kilometer from home, just north of a famous hilltop named Con Tien. In 1967, shortly before the Tet offensive took place, the entire area here was target for hundreds of B52 mission as well as naval artilleries. The place was then reported "like the landscape on the moon's surface"...
The tough terrain created by thousands of craters of all sizes is exactly the reason why no farmer wants to farm here. However, the couple had found the solution for the abandoned land: planting banana trees in those craters. And today, while many people enjoy the May Day holiday, the couple decided to go clear vegetation. Despite of the blazing sun, they kept working till 11:30 before going home to cook lunch.
The work resumed at 14:00 when out door temperature still showed 390C. The wife raked dried leaves and branches down the craters while the husband continue slashing bushes with a large knife. An hour later, she came back with a match box, lit up fire to burn out the trash. The ashes would be good fertilizer for the young banana plants. After lighting up all the trash, the wife returned to the first crater, where the flame had eaten all the dried leaves and was about to go out. She gathered an armful of dried branches and got down to feed the fire. Threw the dried branch on top of the pile, the wife sat on her knee, bending forward to blow some air to bring back the flame. The flame returned, and just as she was about to walk away to avoid the heat, a bright flash together with a powerful blast occurred at the same time, killing her instantly.
The husband, who was standing about 30m away, was not injured. But when he rushed up, what he could see was a torn up body of his dear wife, the one who had shared with him all difficulties in their own life. She had gone when their daughter still in the breast-feeding period.
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