Saturday, April 2, 2005

Bloggers: We need your Help!

Hey fellow bloggers... and everyone else (that would be you, dad)... please help us spread the word on our upcoming CD! Post a story to your blog! Ask others to post it to theirs!

Our ad budget for this is ZERO because we believe it is possible to be succesful without spending a gazillion dollars on what some might call "old media". We believe the power of our message and the revolutionary form of this medium will be just as effective... let's see.

So please... spread the word!


  1. have you tried asking Bzz Agent to chip in ?? Volunteer campign for WOM stuff ? I think Erik or Tom ( could throw in a word for you.

  2. I,ve just posted a comment in my blog. You can see it in . I hope sales are huge. I always loved Jorma Kankunen. Good choice, James.

  3. Thank you, Felix and Peter for your consistent support!
    I love Jorma as well... always have... he has such a unique and beautiful style. Wait til you hear Jim Gilmour and Rick Redington... these guys are great!
